Dear friends,
If you like, you can read here in this post, what I love about fairy tales.
First of all, I love the magic! It makes everything possible and can open the door to dreams and imaginations.
Fairy tales are both, easy and difficult. So I loved them when I was a child and I still love them today. They cause a lot of pictures in my mind. I think it`s great that you can question the good and the evil . You can fall in love with both of it and in the end… learn something about yourself.
Yes, and some characters are so special… like freaks… and I like freaks 🙂 that I will never forget them. Their emotions, missions and decisions are pure inspiration.
These are just a few reasons for my enthusiasm.
And that`s why I am so happy about our new album. Almost can`t wait.
It is such a joy to transform favourite tales into songs. It`s a little bit like giving fantasy a shape and bringing it more and more to life. I hope when “Once upon a time” will be ready that you will be able to feel the love I put into that project. And of course I hope you will like the sound 🙂
Take care