Hi everyone,
it`s quite a journey producing a new album. You experiance a lot, learn things and at night you dream about sounds, songs, possibilities, solutions, characters and… much more 🙂
It`s really a rush but some moments are out of time and special…
Such as the one I had today:
I thought about some wonderful people who got involved. Like Dave and Verena who designed a beautiful booklet artwork for us. As if they would have been able to vision the pictures in my mind. They created a so romantic fairytale scenery. It absolutely fits. I am so happy and thankful for their work. Pure inspiration.
And then we dared something: I asked a great musician to play for us. At school there was this very talented girl, Frederika, she played the violin so well that it is not a wonder she is a successful musician in NYC today. She recorded the solo in a heartbeat and would send the track to Germany. A last minute wonder because it was two days before the mastering process of the whole album. When I heard her play the first time, I almost cried. It was so lovely, so intense… it put all the magic into our ballade. I am so glad that her sweet and gentle violin play is now forever a part of “Star talers”.
Another special thing for me is that my father lent us his voice again.
He is two of the seven dwars now. Such treasures just last forever. Me and my sister were singing together, too. That day I was sick and sounded like a saw but she was so good and made it all up for me.
And how funny were the choir recordings with Hannah and Kathrin. Especially when we modified our voices.
I also think of so many meaningful comments of friends. They talk about fairytales and what I could wear at the concert. I had a the nicest shooting with Lisa Doneff in the forest… I felt like snow white 🙂
It`s all so precious to me. That is why I shared my thoughts with you. It made the moment last for fairytale time.
So thank you.
Kisses Sabine
Ich schreibe jetzt einfach mal auf deutsch, weil mein Englisch wirklich nicht das gelbe vom Ei ist. Aber ein wirklich wunderschöner Text. Ich mag die Bilder von unserem Shooting immer noch soo soo gerne. Danke das ich dich fotografieren durfte 🙂 Und ich bin schon gespannt auf euer neues Album ♥